Total film front cover:

colour palette: the colour palette represents the film on the cover, but the main colours for the magazines are black and white for the writing so that it pops out from the background, so it can be seen more clearly.

target audience: 18-34 predominantly male cinema enthusiast, it will be for people who would know all types of films and would recognise the actor or the character on the front cover, this is aimed at them so they would more likely buy it compared to people who show no interest in films.

main image: is in the middle of the front cover, person is looking at the camera or slightly of to the side like they are looking into the distance. the main image typically overlaps the masthead which shows that the decision may have been made as they could feel that even if they dont show the full masthead because they fell that even with some of it missing it is fairly recognisable and people would still no what brand it is.

cover lines: the cover lines are placed around the main image in two main colours white and red or orange and white, the main cover line is placed on the bottom of the page below the main image. the red colour for some of the cover lines are contrasting against the blue background, the cover lines that are featured around the front cover link to the main image and also they feature other movies and actors that people could recognise.

masthead: large, bold font normally basic shade colours like black and white and that is stands out differently from the colour scheme and so that people know that it is the masthead and the title of the magazine, so that it is clear to people.

Contents Page Analysis: 


The title content is in large, bold serif font which contrast on the background,  so the audience know what page they are on and what is is going to be about. the title seems to be more formal like a newspaper, so that it shows total film are serious about there work and what they create. next to the title there is a small image of the front cover of the magazine, both the contents and the front page star the same person in each of that people reminding people who and what it is about. for example keana Reves is on the front cover and on the contents page as his character john wick.
The main image is on the right hans side taking up half of the page, the page is layout in distinct categories, the main image on the right and the writing on the left. this makes the readers familier with the specific layout and associate it with the magazine Total Film.


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