Sight And Sound Front Cover: Masthead: They choose a colour which contrasts the rest of the magazine, the colour of the mast head seems to be totally different from the main image and which is not very typical as the colours are chosen based of the main image. they use the colour from the masthead fro some of the extra text such as the cover lines. the main image does not typically over lap the masthead this may because they are a more independent brand so they do not stand out as a big brand and people may not understand what the full word is. main image: the person featuring on the main image on the magazine is usually looking towards the camera giving the audience a direct look into their eyes making them feel connected with the magazine, as an independent brand the decision to for the people to look directly at the camera this is important because it shows the audience that the magazine care and that are friendly towards the people, and they want audience attention, which is impo...